Call of Mini: Sniper (Last Stand) – FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide for the new iPhone game Call of Mini: Sniper (AKA Last Stand)! In this game your goal is simply to kill wave after wave of zombies, trying to shoot as many as you can without hurting any survivors. Your survivors are trying to get to the chapel, and the zombies […Read More]

Call of Mini: Sniper (Last Stand) – How to get more coins and tCrystals

Call of Mini: Sniper (Last Stand) is a zombie shooting game for anyone who is fans of such games in the genre, ranging from as diverse of a crew as House of the Dead all the way up to the iPhone shooter Contract Killer Zombies. This one is much cuter than those ones are, with […Read More]

Guide to Call of Mini: Sniper (Last Stand) for iPhone: Tips, tricks, cheats and strategies

Call of Mini: Sniper (Last Stand) for the iPhone and iPod Touch is a game that takes influence from a game with a very obviously similar name, but in name only, apparently. What this game actually is is yet another zombie shooter, much like Contract Killer: Zombies, but with much brighter colors, superdeformed characters, and […Read More]