Dr. Driving Wiki, Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide Part 2

Welcome to part two of the Dr. Driving beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. When you get coins, you can spend them on upgrades. To get to the upgrades, go to the main menu and tap on the button that looks like a car. Once you go there, […Read More]

Dr. Driving Wiki, Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s drive for Dr. Driving! Dr. Driving is a game that presents all kinds of driving challenges, ranging from speed to fuel efficiency. Your goal is to beat the driving challenges, increase your driver level and get better and better cars to get rid of that ugly KOS van that you begin […Read More]

Dr. Driving: Get free coins and gold!

In Dr. Driving for the iOS and Android, coins are required if you want to buy upgrades for your car, or if you want to buy new cars in the first place. Gold is the premium currency of the game, and it can buy you the cars that are so good that you can’t buy […Read More]

Dr. Driving Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2- More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

When you have a tough mission ahead of you, sometimes, your best course of action is to go back to the missions that you find easy, and play them over and over and over again until you earn enough silver coins to buy more upgrades. Buy as many upgrades as you need in order to […Read More]

Dr. Driving Tips and Tricks Guide – Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Dr. Driving is a new driving game for the iOS and Android. Your goal is to choose a goal, choose a car, and then drive your car trying to accomplish the goal that you selected. It can be anything from driving as fast as you can for a certain distance to drifting, to even driving […Read More]