War of Nations FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3

Welcome to part 3 of the War of Nations beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide. There are two different types of upgrades that can be given to each of your commanders. The main kind of upgrade, consisting of such things as the combat exoskeleton and the field med […Read More]

War of Nations FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the War of Nations beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the War of Nations guide! While we’ve only mainly touched on buildings and resources so far, troops are the most important part of the game. When your factory is at level 1, you only have […Read More]

War of Nations FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to War of Nations! War of Nations is GREE and Funzio’s new entry into the strategy MMO genre, and in a field crowded with superstars such as Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North, War of Nations still manages to stand out. It’s a huge game to learn, as there […Read More]

War of Nations – Defense Guide, Part 2: More ways to protect your bases from getting destroyed

Welcome to part two of the War of Nations defense guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. When you are attacked, none of your currently deployed troops or commanders will be present for the battle; however, all of the ones who are currently at the base will participate. Your commander […Read More]

War of Nations – Defense Guide: How to protect your bases from getting destroyed

War of Nations, by GREE and Funzio, is a truly addictive MMO strategy game, but it can be extremely frustrating to players whose armies and buildings keep getting destroyed by other players who invade your territory. Other players may beat you which will decrease your army’s morale, cause you to lose troops and resources, and […Read More]

War of Nations – Attack Guide, Part 2: More on how to earn attack points, capture and destroy bases

Welcome to part 2 of the War of Nations attack guide, focused on how to earn attack points and demolish enemy bases! Click here to go to part 1 of the guide. Now comes the meat and potatoes. In this game, you can pick and choose one enemy building to attack at a time. If […Read More]

War of Nations – Attack Guide: How to earn attack points, capture and destroy bases

War of Nations is a new MMO war game for anybody out there who happens to be a fan of games such as Risk or Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle of the North. Like all of these MMO strategy games, having a good attack and defense strategy makes the difference between being one of the big […Read More]

Blastron: How to get free rivets and gears

Blastron is Kabam’s newest entry into the iOS app store, and for fans of games such as Worms or Scorched Earth, the gameplay will be a sight for sore eyes and a trigger for nostalgia. Blastron is a multiplayer robot battling game, in which each player takes turns making a movement and an attack, using […Read More]

Age of Warring Empire: How to get more copper coins and gold coins

There are two different types of premium, rare resource in Age of Warring Empire for the iPhone and Android. One of them is gold coins (the appearance of these is obvious), while the other is copper coins (this looks like a money bag). Gold coins are the most premium currency of the game, because they […Read More]

City Cat Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

City Cat is a new side scrolling endless runner app for the iOS and Android platforms. This game is a sister game to the Nyan Cat series, and starts a random cat who is trying to make a run through the big city, collecting coins and all kinds of food items along the way. You […Read More]