Guide to Dragon Skies for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Dragon Skies is a new dragon raising game for the iPhone and other iOS platforms with a twist. In general, it picks up where games such as Dragon Story and Little Dragons leave off, in that you hatch dragons of various different elements, raise them and then breed them to create new, rare and even […Read More]

Guide to Car Town Streets for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Car Town Streets is the long awaited sequel to the smash hit Facebook game Car Town, which allowed car fans to collect their favorite real life cars and race them against each other. Car Town Streets is an iOS game and its a much different game. There are elements of city building games, card collection […Read More]

Guide to Dragon Collection for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Dragon Collection is a new iPhone card battling game by Konami, the world famous game maker behind everything from Contra to Dance Dance Revolution. This game puts a cuter, less androcentric spin on the world of card collecting games, but it is still a very compelling game to play, with quests, battling, and a lot […Read More]

How to play Reign of Dragons for iOS (part 4): Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to part 4 of the Reign of Dragons beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 3 of the guide. There are a ton of other buttons under the Menu screen. When you go to the Shop button, you will be able to buy all kinds of items using gems. These include stamina […Read More]

How to play Reign of Dragons for iOS (part 3): Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to part 3 of the Reign of Dragons beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide. Each time that you gain a level, you gain stat points that you can use to increase your maximum stamina, attack points or defense points. Tap the Notice button in the upper left […Read More]

How to play Reign of Dragons for iOS (part 2): Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to part 2 of the beginner’s guide to Reign of Dragons! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. Another way to enhance your cards is to evolve them. In order to evolve a card, you need to have two of the same card. Each card has four forms – look […Read More]

How to play Reign of Dragons for iOS (part 1): Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Reign of Dragons for the iPhone, iPod Touch and other iOS devices. In this new card battling game, the Justice, Chaos and Genesis factions are in a war in the thirteen day period leading up to the apocalypse, and your job is to pick a side and fight. As […Read More]

Reign of Dragons for iOS: how to get more Stamina, Attack Power and Defense Power

There are two different types of ‘energy’ in Reign of Dragons, a new card collecting game for the iPhone and iPod touch. One of them is stamina. Stamina is what you need in order to complete quests. Attack power and defense power not only control what kinds of cards you get to send into battle, […Read More]

Reign of Dragons for iOS Evolution and Enhancement guide: How to enhance and evolve your cards

In Reign of Dragons for the various iOS devices, there are two different ways to power up your cards so that you can defeat bosses and other players more easily. One of them is enhancement, which allows you to sacrifice cards in order to power up one base card. The other is evolution, which can […Read More]

Reign of Dragons for iOS: how to get more Dorri and Gems

In Reign of Dragons, which is the new card battling game for the iPhone and iPod touch, there are two different types of currency that you can collect. The main type of currency is Dorri, which is mostly used to pay for enhancing and evolving your cards. The other, more rare and more premium currency […Read More]