Evertale: Redeem Code, Restore Code, and Friend Code Guide

Evertale is an extremely popular RPG for the iOS and Android platforms with a retro, Super Nintendo-esque feel, where you can collect and train monsters, sort of like in Pokémon. There are three types of codes in this game that you can use in order to earn bonuses. Redeem codes are a type of PIN […Read More]

Bunniiies: The Love Rabbit – List of VIP Codes and How To Find More of Them

Bunniiies: The Love Rabbit is a new game where you run a farm, raise and breed rabbits, call whacked rabbits with a different colors and different patterns, and sell them for coins. You can’t even take your rabbits to the gym to get stronger, purchase food and other items for your rabbits, and have them […Read More]

Pixel Hero: Infinity War – List of Gift Pack Exchange Codes and How To Find More of Them

Pixel Hero: Infinity War is a new unofficial Dragon Ball Z game for the iOS and Android platforms that, despite its name, has no relation to the Avengers or the MCU. Yo can collect all of your favorite characters from the DBZ universe here, play story missions against the computer, and go up against other […Read More]

Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade – List of Redeem Codes and How To Find More of Them

Warhammer 40,000: Lost Crusade is a new MMORTS for the iOS and Android platforms based in the long-tenured Warhammer 40,000 universe. Your mission in this game is to build a space station, make it as powerful as you can, fight against the computer and against other players, and collect resources and crystals. You have plenty […Read More]

Cat Spa (iOS/Android): List of Special Codes and How To Find Them

Cat Spa is a new game for the iOS and Android platforms by Hyperbeard where you run a spa and massage parlor that both serves and is staffed by adorable cats. Your goal is to learn and provide as many possible services to your customers, build your business from the ground up, and to earn […Read More]

Legend City: List of Redeem Codes and How To Find More of Them

Legend City is a new mob-themed game for the iOS and Android platform where you can pick your new mob boss and start your very own territory in the MMORTS-style. You can build up your base much like your kingdoms in other MMORTS games, you can strengthen your resource-gathering, train soldiers, and make war against […Read More]

Guardians of Cloudia: List of Redeem Codes and How To Find More of Them

Guardians of Cloudia is a new mobile action RPG for the iOS and Android platforms. This game is surprisingly unrelated to Last Cloudia – it’s a whole different world by a completely different developer. The game takes you through a bright, anime-esque world, where you can build up your Silverleaf and Goldleaf, collect and upgrade […Read More]

Rebirth of Chaos: Eternal Saga – List of Activation Codes and How To Find More of Them

Rebirth of Chaos: Eternal Saga is a new mobile RPG for the iOS and Android platforms that mostly centers around botting and character management, although you have the option to take over the gameplay as well. You gain levels extremely quickly in this game, so it always feels like you are making progress. You can […Read More]

Slime Hunter: Wild Impact – List of Coupon Codes and How To Find More of Them

Slime Hunter is a new side-scrolling action RPG for the iOS and Android platforms by Gamevil that provides an extremely unique perspective and battle style. In this game, you have the cartoonish graphics similar to MapleStory, but you also have a full charge-attack list that tends to come standard with 3D action-RPG’s on mobile devices […Read More]

Princess Tale: List of Coupon Codes and How To Find More of Them

Princess Tale is a new RPG for the iOS and Android platforms starring a number of cutely-drawn anime princesses with fighting abilities, You can engage in single-player and multiplayer battles, engage in idle gameplay even while you’re not playing the game, which you can collect rewards later for, and load up on princess to build […Read More]