Lep’s World 3: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the Lep’s World 3 top ten tips and cheats! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. 5) Watch out for the hidden levels that you can unlock in the game. When you are on the main level select screen, you can scroll all the way to […Read More]

Lep’s World 3: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

Lep’s World 3 is a new leprechaun-themed platforming game that recalls some of the play of the oldest Mario games. Even the blocks look similar – the bricks, the gold treasure blocks, the one-ups, etc. Plus, you have your overworld stages, underwater stages, cave stages, and your castle stages with a boss inside. There aren’t […Read More]

Lep’s World 3: How to get more characters, power ups and new levels

You can unlock every level in the game for free, without spending any money. Levels are unlocked one world at a time, so all that you have to do to unlock a world is to beat the world before it (AKA the world that you are currently playing). Repeat the process until you unlock every […Read More]

Lep’s World 3 Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part two of the Lep’s World 3 tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. You can unlock secret stages as you collect more pots of gold. When you are in the world select screen, scroll six spaces to the right and you will find the […Read More]

Lep’s World 3 Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Lep’s World 3 is the follow-up to the first two Lep’s World games, which bring the gameplay of the old school NES Mario games over to the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to progress from world to world and from level to level, stomping on enemies, collecting pots of gold and gold coins, […Read More]