Plumber Crack for iPhone and Android: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

It’s one of the simplest and most irreverent games to come out for the iPhone, but it is also one of the most popular now. Plumber Crack has taken the top spot in free downloads for the iPhone, and for good reason: it’s addicting and simple. All you have to do is sling ice cubes […Read More]

Guide to Plumber Crack for iPhone and Android: Tips, tricks, cheats, strategies, and free crack bucks

Plumber Crack is a simple little game for the iPhone that has one premise: You toss ice cubes, or other unlockable items, and try to land them so that they end up going down the plumber’s pants and into their plumber’s crack. Plumber Crack can be as addicting as crack, for fans of simple games […Read More]