Pokémon GO – Catch ’em all: Guide to finding and catching a large variety of Pokémon

Pokémon GO is a new game where you go to real-life locations to catch Pokémon. All that you have to do is throw a Poké ball at a Pokémon, aim it just right and you’ll catch it. Tougher than it sounds, but that’s for another article. You have a large amount of Pokémon that you […Read More]

Pokémon GO – How to load up on Poké Balls, Incense, Lucky Eggs, Lure Modules and Egg Incubators

Pokémon GO is the smash-hit app of the year so far. This iOS and Android game has you going to real life locations looking for Pokémon, but to do so you will need a ton of different items. Poké Balls, Great Balls, Master Balls, Incense, Lucky Eggs, Lure Modules and Egg Incubators are the items […Read More]

Pokémon GO – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Beat, and Strategy Guide

Pokémon GO, one of the most highly-awaited games of the year, is out on the iOS and Android platforms, and it combines the open-world combat of Egress with catching, raising and evolving your very own Pokémon. You can collect coins and use coins to get more goodies, go to Pokéstops and to gyms, and battle […Read More]