How to win every race in Rival Stars Horse Racing

Rival Stars Horse Racing puts you in charge of running a homestead where you can make money, and breeding better and better horses. Most importantly, though, as the name of the game suggests, it’s about horse racing. Your goal is to go from location to location, racing and fighting for a win everywhere that you […Read More]

Rival Stars Horse Racing: Guide Part 3 – Expert Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies

Rival Stars Horse Racing is one of the most popular equestrian games in the history of the iOS and Android platforms, and we’re back with part three of our walkthrough and tips guide for it! (Previously: Part two of the Rival Stars Horse Racing Tips, Cheats, and Strategy Guide) Eventually, you’ll have a huge glut […Read More]

How To Get Free Gold and Roses in Rival Stars Horse Racing

Rival Stars Horse Racing is a massively popular new equestrian game where you can raise and train horses, send them out to race, and then collect all kinds of rewards for them. Gold and Roses are the two rarest currencies in the game. Gold is the premium currency in this game, the kind that is […Read More]

Rival Stars Horse Racing: Breeding Guide – How to breed the best racehorses

Rival Stars Horse Racing puts you in charge of a horse stable (with the Horses In The Back, we suppose… hey, stop groaning) where you raise and train racehorses, send them out and race them, and then breed them to improve the pedigree throughout generations. All you need is a stud and a mare, and […Read More]

Rival Stars Horse Racing: Guide Part 2 – Advanced Tips, Cheats, and Strategies

Rival Stars Horse Racing is an extremely detailed and in-depth game about racing and breeding horses. There is a ton to do in this game and it can be tough to figure out where to begin. This guide assumes that you’re already well into the game, and need some more advanced strategies to get you […Read More]

Rival Stars Horse Racing: UPDATED: Walkthrough, Cheats, Tips, and Strategy Guide

Rival Stars Horse Racing is a new game for the iOS and Android platforms where you breed, train, and race horses, and collect the prize money and resources. In this game you control all aspects of your horse racing career; nothing is left up to chance. You can get sponsors, earn first place victories, and […Read More]