Samurai Siege: Part 3 of the Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to part three of the Samurai Siege beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part two of the guide. Right from the outset, you can get attacked by other players; however, if you do get attacked and your castle gets destroyed, not only will your base be immediately recovered, but you will be […Read More]

Samurai Siege: Part 2 of the Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to part two of the Samurai Siege beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. Now that your city is producing and is defended, you need to build up your army. You can do this via the army buildings. The dojo is where you train your troops, and the […Read More]

Samurai Siege: Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Samurai Siege for the iOS and Android! Samurai Siege has gameplay that will be immediately familiar to anyone who has played Clash of Clans or Backyard Monsters. You have two main resources to collect, which are jade coins and essence, and your goal is to turn your base into […Read More]

Samurai Siege: How to win without spending any money

Samurai Siege is a freemium strategy game, sort of a reverse tower-defense game (you send out the troops and attack the base) for the iOS and Android platforms. It gets very addicting, and a surprising amount of gameplay can be had for without having to pay one single thing on the game. It goes from […Read More]

Samurai Siege: Top 10 Tips and Cheats, Part 2

Welcome to part two of the Samurai Siege top 10 tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. 5) Progress through the single player quest battles to unlock new troops and buildings. Unlike other games of this type, you can’t unlock the advanced troops just by paying big […Read More]

Samurai Siege: Top 10 Tips and Cheats

Samurai Siege is one of the most popular new MMO strategy games (or what some might call a “reverse tower defense” game) on the iOS and Android platforms. While the gameplay gives away that the concept is similar to Clash of Clans, the execution takes many little details and changes them just enough to make […Read More]

Samurai Siege – Attack Guide Part 2: More on how to destroy bases, raid resources and get more honor

Welcome to part two of the Samurai Siege attack guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. Now that you know all of the troops that you can unlock, you can strategize. Early on, a good strategy is to send in all ninjas whenever you want to raid resources from another […Read More]

Samurai Siege – Attack Guide: How to destroy bases, raid resources and get more honor

Having a great defense is certainly a step to becoming a samurai lord in Samurai Siege, but what use is it if you don’t have a great offense? Not only will a great offense enable you to attack and destroy other players’ bases with great regularity, but most importantly, it will enable you to make […Read More]

Samurai Siege – Defense Guide, Part 2: More on how to defend your base and protect your resources

Welcome to part 2 of the Samurai Siege defense guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. There are a ton of new defensive buildings that you can unlock as you make your way through the game. The freeze tower will fire shots that freeze a group of enemies for a […Read More]

Samurai Siege – Defense Guide: How to defend your base and protect your resources

Being a Samurai Warlord is all fun and good in Samurai Siege, but if you want to keep your spoils, you had better make sure that your base is very well-defended. Attackers can come in, destroy your castle, take your resources and knock out all of your troops. Luckily, though, there are plenty of ways […Read More]