How to play Spartan Wars for iOS and Android, part 3: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Back in part 2 of the Spartan Wars beginner’s guide we started to get into the nuances of building up your troops, but we have barely scratched the surface. Both your troops in the barracks and your defenses in the wall will each have a “power level”, whcih encompasses both attack and defense power. All […Read More]

How to play Spartan Wars for iOS and Android, part 2: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Back in part 1 of the Spartan Wars beginner’s guide we got into talking about resource buildings, which are the primary ways of building up your city. However, they are just one of the many components that make up the meat of the game, and that gives it the complexity that its fans so desire […Read More]

How to play Spartan Wars for iOS and Android: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Spartan Wars is a very complicated game, and if you just begin playing the game without any guidance, it can be a bit of a process trying to figure out all of the details and other good stuff, so in this guide, we’ll attempt to give you a (fairly) brief overview of all of the […Read More]

Spartan Wars for iOS and Android: Attack Guide: How to plunder and bloodbath opposing cities and achieve victory

So defending your city is certainly important, but attacking other cities is a hell of a lot more fun, and is a great way to get more resources. Your attacks can either end in victory or defeat, and the victories earn you such fun things as more resources, artifacts which you can use to work […Read More]

Spartan Wars for Android and iOS Defense Guide: How to defend your city and stop bullying and bloodbaths

When you first start Spartan Wars, you have a beginner’s protection, but it isn’t long before that expires, and you’re left trying to defend yourself against getting raided constantly, and getting your resources stolen by others who are more powerful than you are. There are a large number of strategies that you can use, but […Read More]

Spartan Wars for Android and iOS: How to get two, three, and four-star gods

God cards are one of the biggest buffs that you can find in Spartan Wars: Empire of Honor or Elite Edition (again, same game, different names). You start off with a one star god, but your cards have a chance at increasing in rarity, from two stars all the way up to four stars, and […Read More]

Spartan Wars for Android and iOS: How to get more faith, level up Zeus and upgrade your God cards

One thing that separates Spartan Wars: Empire of Honor and Elite Edition (again, same game, two different names, and they are both available on the App Store as of the current moment) from other MMO strategy games is the addition of god cards. By worshipping one god, you can get various boosts for your city, […Read More]

Spartan Wars for iOS and Android: How to get more artifacts and how to get a Second City

If you have played Spartan Wars: Elite Edition or Empire of Honor (same game, different names) and paid any attention to the chat room that’s perpetually running, you have probably already noticed that these two questions are some of the most frequent ones that come up. You’ll also jump into the world map at times, […Read More]

Spartan Wars for Android and iOS: How to get free pearls

There are a whole lot of necessary resources in Spartan Wars, which act as your primary “currencies”, so to speak, but on the premium (or “freemium”) side of things are pearls. Pearls can be purchased via the Apple App Store, but if you don’t want to buy anything with real money, there are still ways […Read More]

Spartan Wars Resource Guide: How to get more food, wood, gold and stone

Any good Greek empire needs the basics to run, no matter how much favor you have with the Gods. In Spartan Wars: Elite Edition or Empire of Honor (which are the same game), one of the most frustrating things that can happen is when you want to train more troops and defenses (especially after you […Read More]