Tap Titans: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 5

There are a LOT of stages in this game, enough that you could probably play for years and still keep going. As of right now, there are 1,100 levels in this game. After that, you literally have nowhere to go until the developers add more levels to the game… which is why you use the […Read More]

Tap Titans: How to get free diamonds

In Tap Titans, there are three different types of currencies. Diamonds and coins are the two types available in the beginning of the game, and these are typically the most important ones. Coins, of course, are the cornerstone of the game, but diamonds are the premium currency of the game, allowing you to purchase all […Read More]

Tap Titans: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 4

Once you finally beat level 80, you will unlock the ability to get artifacts. An Artifact is purchased in exchange for relics, which can be acquired from reaching new levels and beating the bosses that come with them. Once you have an artifact, you can then level it up or purchase a new artifact when […Read More]

Tap Titans: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 3

Sometimes your character will get killed by one of the enemies that you fight especially if that enemy is a tougher one. If that happens, you have two options. You can either revive them right away using diamonds or you can let them revive on their own by waiting a specific period of time. If […Read More]

Tap Titans: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 2

Spend those gems that you earn on various perks, which are in the green menu of the store (the star icon menu). Make it Rain is one of the best ones to use, as when you use it at the right time it can send your fortunes soaring sky high. Get a ton of money, […Read More]

Tap Titans: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Tap Titans is Game Hive’s new take on the tap to win concept that games like Bitcoin Billionaire and Make it Rain pioneered. Tap Titans makes an RPG out of that, of sorts, and places your warrior and a host of other future warriors into endless battles with monsters and bosses from level to level, […Read More]