Tap Titans: Top 25 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

20) How to get more relics
The most obvious way to get more relics is as a random reward for beating a certain boss level. The boss level that will give you the relic is completely random, and you will have no indication as to which boss will give you more relics, so keep fighting and eventually you will earn some more.

19) Use prestige to earn more relics extremely quickly.
After you upgrade your tap damage level to 600, you will unlock the ability to prestige, which is inside of the tap damage menu below all of the other skills, and cost nothing to do. After you prestige, you will start the game over. You will have all of your previous relics and artifacts, as well as all of the previous achievements that you have unlocked, and all of your diamonds.

18) How to maximize the amount of relics that you earn when you prestige.
Make sure that you have unlocked the most warriors possible in your DPS menu, that you have gotten to as high of a level as possible and that you have beaten as many bosses as possible. The more of all three of these things that you accomplish, the more relics that you will earn as a reward when you prestige. The more relics that you earned it, the more artifacts that you can purchase.

17) Upgrade your artifacts if you don’t have enough relics to purchase a new one.
Buying a new artifact is always more expensive than upgrading an artifact that you already have. If you either don’t want to wait to save up the relics necessary to buy a brand-new artifact or you simply want to upgrade an artifact that you have and you already like, upgrade and it will only cost to relics. A new artifact will cost a different amount depending on how many artifacts you already have.

16) Break down artifacts in order to earn more relics.
If you do not like an artifact that you unlocked (artifacts are completely randomized and there is no set order in which you will earn them), then all you have to do is spend some diamonds and you will be able to break down and artifact into relics. You can use those relics to upgrade your pre-existing artifacts that you already like or simply to buy new ones.

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