Tennis Clash: Server Error, Server Down, and Latency Guide and How To Fix

Tennis Clash has become the most popular iOS and Android sports game in the world in an admirably short amount of time, even going up against heavyweights like Madden. However, this huge popularity has sometimes been a strain on the servers of the developers.

Sometimes, the server can be down, but other times, the errors have shown up in more subtle ways, like latency, delayed movements during a match, random game resets, or having the results of your match not show up after the match is done. Occasionally, they also result in lost rewards from free bags.

Read on for a guide on how to deal with server errors, down servers, and latency in Tennis Clash!

Occasionally, the server errors can be blamed on a weak internet connection, as often the game has strict standards for a strong connection. The game can be made easier to play on weaker connections, though.

To make it so that you have a bit more luck with a bad internet connection, one of the big fixes is to go to the settings menu. Go to the graphics setting and if your graphics are set to medium or high, set them to low instead. This greatly decreases the strain on the server.

If you are able to move to somewhere with a better cellular connection or a stronger wifi, go there and then play the game. This can include moving outside if you are in a building, or moving to an area of the building that has a stronger cellular signal.

If you have a metal case on your phone, take the case off and either play with a bare phone or replace it with a plastic/rubber/etc. case. Metal cases can block cellular signals, even if you normally have a very strong one. They don’t tend to block wifi signals too much, though, so they aren’t generally a problem for tablets.

Oftentimes, though, it isn’t a problem with your connection, but a problem with the server that you’re playing one. One possible solution for this is to download a VPN app and set your VPN to a location in a different country, to see if the servers there are running better. A country where the game is not that popular might be a good fit.

Another solution is to send a trouble ticket. There is a contact form that can be found on Google that’s hosted on, which goes directly to the developers. You can fill that out and report the trouble. Often you might even receive compensation for the server trouble.

If the outage is global, or there is another issue, such as server downtime for maintenance, just be patient and Tennis Clash will be back online in short order. The developers might also compensate for the trouble with gifts such as tennis bags.

Another effective solution is to post about the trouble on the Tennis Clash subreddit. The developers are very active there, posting under the username /u/TennisClash, and they’re very good about responding to issues that players are having with their connections.

21 thoughts on “Tennis Clash: Server Error, Server Down, and Latency Guide and How To Fix”

  1. Éjszaka szinte soha nem tudok játszani. Kérem próbálják meg korrigálni a problémát. Minden nap játszom vele több órát. És éjszaka a legtöbbet és akkor sem sikerül. Nem enged be a játékba mintha nem lenne ellenfelem. Mintha nem játszana senki. Előre is köszönet. Üdv Imokakri

  2. Hi i’m not getting conection to the server since today morning. Is there any problem?

  3. The game was working fine yesterday and i have a good wifi connection. Today in the morning it does not want to come on. I work hard to get all those coins and now i cant even get in. Can u please tell me what goind on thank u.

  4. Hi i’m not getting conection to the server since today morning. Is there any problem?
    It’s keeping saying connection error try again.
    My WiFi is working fine to.
    I had a lot coins and germs there.
    And it’s irritating atm.
    Pls I need the answer whats going on

  5. I had trouble staying connected last night, and all day today I have been unable to connect to the server at all. I have deleted and reinstalled the app several time throughout the day with no avail. Perhaps it’s an internal thing?

  6. Unable to play all day. Wifi is strong and tried to connect in different locations. Just get same connection error.

  7. i have a stable internet connection but i cant get in and it says i cannot connect to the server because i have slow internet connection. tell me whats happening.

  8. I have been getting server error all day. Cannot play at all. What’s going on? Please inform.


  9. Unable to connect The game was working fine yeand i have a good wifi connection.I work hard to get all those coins and now i cant even get in. Can u please tell me what is going on thank u.

  10. I cannot to Connect with The serve for a few days so far! WTF is going on?! I have invested money and I can’t play. Unable to connect with server all the time! Answer that many my internet connection is to weak doest satisfy me when I have spent my money. So, make it possible to connect with any strenght of net connection. How long I want wait? The worse is, they this is like a Chech’s movie, nobody knows that’s is going on. Everywhere different informations and opinions. Where TF we can get confirmed informations about what really happens?!

  11. Kesalahan server sepanjang hari. Apa yang sedang terjadi. Saya sudah menghabiskan uang untuk game ini dan hasilnya mustahil. Brengsek kalau tidak mampu memperbaiki gim jangan membuat aplikasi ini!


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