The Flintstones: Bring Back Bedrock – Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide

The Flintstones: Bring Back Bedrock is a new city re-building game for the iPhone and iPad. Following on the heels of The Simpsons and Family Guy, The Flintstones becomes the third cartoon to get a city rebuilding game done about it (maybe Bob’s Burgers or The Jetsons is next?). Read on for some tips and tricks for The Flintstones: Bring Back Bedrock!

For the most part, you can always go to the missions menu any time that you need guidance on what to do next, or are just bored and need something to do. This menu contains various quests that you can accomplish to further you in the game, and it will take you exactly where you need to go next. If you like exploring, though, you can tap the icon in the upper left corner to either go to the city or go back to your house.

However, you can deviate from it as often as you want, and the more that you have to interact with, the more deviation you can do. Go to the store and look for the items that show as interactive. When it’s placed in your house, you’ll be able to complete actions with that item using one of your characters, earning you clams and experience points.

Each of your characters have a collection of tasks. Set them on tasks in order to earn more clams and experience, especially the long tasks if you are about to go do something involving not playing the game (such as sleeping or working or… other things). Come back and you’ll have some nice surprises waiting.

Want to get some free gold? Go to the in app purchase menu and hit one of two options. You can watch advertisement videos, and when you do you will earn free gold. Also, you can access an offer wall where you have the choice of completing either free offers or paid offers for gold. Paid ones obviously earn far more, but free ones still add up.

Organizing your house requires some creativity due to the lack of room. You can set anything that you buy either inside or outside, so put beds outside and get creative in other ways as it suits you. Go to the gizmo store to find a whole bunch of interactive characters that you can buy for your house.