The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth (iOS and Android): How to get more Gold and Mithril

The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth is the official iPhone and Android game for the upcoming movie The Hobbit, as well as for the books. Gold is the main currency in this game, and you need gold in order to buy new buildings and to upgrade buildings you already have, as well as to pay your troops and heroes. Mithril is the premium currency, and with it you can buy buffs such as runes and speed ups. Read on to find out how to get more of both of them!

There are a few ways to get more gold. The main one is to go to the city view and build more homes, and upgrade the homes that you already have. You get gold from the taxes that are paid out every hour by your population, so by definition, the higher your population, the more taxes that you will earn. Building and upgrading homes is the way to increase the population in the game.

You can also raise taxes on the population that you already have if you see fit. To do this, go to the city view, then tap on the Keep and go to the overview tab. You can change the tax rate to anywhere between 0 and 100 percent, but higher tax rates can cause both your happiness and population to drop, which can in turn affect your resource production and your troops.

Finally, complete quests to earn more gold very quickly. Go to the quest menu to see your quests and to claim your reward for any completed quest, and most of the quests will have gold as one of the rewards. Also, you can earn gold by raiding and attacking goblin camps and other players’ kingdoms, but be sure to send in enough supply troops so that you can collect large amounts of gold. Finally, you can earn gold as a bonus every time you play Gollum’s Riddle.

To earn more Mithril, you can do a few things. Of course, the main way to earn Mithril is simply to buy it with real money in the app store, but nobody really wants to do that. If you sign up for a Kabam account, you can earn a free bonus of 75 Mithril just for doing that. Lastly, if you sign up with Tapjoy, log in, and search for The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth, you’ll find offers, which mostly consist of app downloads, that will allow you to earn free Mithril for completing them.

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