Toy Story: Smash It! Lost Episode is a miniature sequel to the origianl Toy Story: Smash It!, which also came out for the iPhone, iPad, and any other iOS device and has been a favorite among Disney games. Toy Story: Smash It! Lost Episode puts you into Buzz Lightyear’s shoes as he throws balls at structures that Zurgs are standing on in an effort to knock them down. The gameplay is similar to a 3D version of Angry Birds. It begins easy, but it gets tougher, so read on for some tips and tricks for Toy Story: Smash It! Lost Episode!
No matter which stage of the game you are on, always try to get rid of all of the zurgs with one ball, if at all possible. If there’s a present around, blow it up. If the present is in a location where it wouldn’t knock off all of the aliens in one shot, throw a ball at the structure that the present is on, to try to launch it towards everything else.
If a present blows up all of the aliens but doesn’t earn you all of the golden blocks, start throwing balls at the golden blocks that it missed while the aliens are still running around, before the stage ends. You’ll get the golden balls this way, although you’ll lose the bonus points that go with having more balls left over.
The glass boxes can be tough to deal with, but practice reflecting the ball off of them, and you can knock down an unprecedented amount of structures at the same time if you get it right. Figure out how to angle yourself, especially if there’s a train in the way and you need to knock down everything that’s in its way with one ball, to keep it from derailing or getting blocked.
When you are using the impact ball, don’t hit the yellow button right away after you launch it, or it will aim downwards and fire at the wrong target. Don’t wait too long either, though, or the yellow button will disappear. Wait just the right amount of time, and then hit the yellow button.
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