Traffic Panic: Boom Town – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats, and Strategies

Traffic Panic: Boom Town is a new city builder/traffic manager hybrid for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to control traffic, earn coins and gems, and buy up more intersections, turning your city from a little corner stop to a big Metropolis. You can earn chests and do numerous upgrades to your buildings with building cards. Read on for some tips and tricks for Traffic Panic: Boom Town!

You’ll start collecting the coins that have built up at one intersection when you play – as you let more cars through, you earn more coins. However, you can also earn bonus coins – one coin per bonus that you earn. The easiest and most numerous bonus is the Nonstop one because all you have to do is let a car through without it having to hit the brakes. Time it right and you can even send cars behind crossing cars through the intersection and still manage to survive.

Every time that you play, whether you win or crash out, you’ll get a chest as long as you got one star. Most of these contain building upgrade cars, which, if you have enough identical ones for a building at its current level, will allow you to purchase an instant upgrade for it.

If you want to just collect all of your coins and get 100 percent, then forget about trying for the near-miss bonuses and just send cars through a little bit at a time. If you don’t go all the way to three stars, though, it’s no big deal because the money that you didn’t collect will still be there in the piggy bank, which actually allows you to play again much more quickly than if you had three stars.

Don’t forget, too, that if you need to fill some space due to having too many intersections, you can buy duplicate buildings and place them wherever you want. You can even place 4 of the same building at an intersection if you’d like. Your best bet is, though, to place your highest-earning buildings all at one intersection, then your next highest at another, and so forth, so that you know which intersection to collect from first.

Each of the chests takes a long time to open, but some, such as the gold chests, take longer than others. If you are about to go to bed or turn your phone off for a very long time, start the 8-hour chests. Otherwise, start the shorter chests while you are playing actively.