Tricky Test 2: Think Outside the Box is a new trick question game by Orangenose Studios, who specializes in this tough, mind-bending genre. This one contains a number of questions that will leave you stumped as to what the answers are, until you think outside the box. Read on for all of the answers to all of the problems in Tricky Test 2: Think Outside the Box!
Question 0: Put everything into the box, including the instructions.
Question 1: Tap the green button three times.
Question 2: There are three holes in the underwear.
Question 3: The cloud is the object that is furthest away from the word “us” in the question.
Question 4: Turn the phone upside-down to stop Moai’s tears.
Question 5: The bear that has no ear is B.
Question 6: Block the pig’s nose with two fingers to wake it up.
Question 7: Cherry then pineapple. Carrots are not fruit.
Question 8: Tap the mouse in the title then tap five of the running mice facing left.
Question 9: The cat, dog and rabbit weight a combined 14 kilos.
Question 10: Rub the scratcher.
Question 11: Tap the 3rd in the question because you will be third place.
Question 12: Pull the fighting pets apart with two fingers.
Question 13: Turn the phone upside down and shake it hard to get ketchup out.
Question 14: Tap 23212, 3104, then the score at the top, then -219 and -1222.
Question 15: Put the word “everything” in the box, then take it out by turning the phone upside down.
Question 16: Light the middle candle and then tilt your phone to light another candle.
Question 17: Tap the numbered buttons in order.
Question 18: Pull the Mother and Fiance’s hands at the same time with two fingers.
Question 19: Swipe the right bulb off of the screen, then turn on one of the switches.
Question 20: 5 = 1 because 1 = 5.
Question 21: Shake the tree to release all of the apples. There are 7.
Question 22: Tap the boxes: XXXL, XXL, XL, gift box, L
Question 23: The shirt has six holes. The hole in the middle is two holes, front and back.
Question 24: Tap the green button three times, the yellow button until it turns white, then when it turns yellow tap it again.
Question 25: 9 owls. Drag and move some of the owls around in order to see them.
Question 26: Drag the balloons to the sharp edge near the clue “C” button. The one that doesn’t pop is the strongest.
Question 27: Shake your device a few times.
Question 28: Pinch the phone with two fingers and drag it inward to turn it into a “micro” phone.
Question 29: Remove the matches that are perpendicular to the outermost matches. You’ll make two squares, one inside of the other.