Tricky Test: Get Smart – Answers for All Levels, Stages and Questions, Page 2

Level 26: third place, so tap “3rd” in the question.
Level 27: Tap the eggs until you break one of them.
Level 28: put your finger over the last “2” to make it 2+2=4.
Level 29: Shake the phone to make a ball pop out from inside of the box.

Level 30: move the foreground sock away from the background sock, then tap one of the socks.
Level 31: Rub your finger over the word “picture” to erase it.
Level 32: Turn the phone upside down and hit the arrow to make the lift go down one floor.
Level 33: Swap the 1 and the 7 to make the number combination the same in every row.

Level 34: You can use the same number multiple times so the greatest number is 999.
Level 35: There is only one sister for all 7 boys, making for a total of eight children.
Level 36: Take two fingers to flip the bottle over, then shake the phone to pour it out.
Level 37: Drag the floor upwards until it’s under the vase, then cut the string.

Level 38: Turn the phone upside down to see the real numbers in the sequence. It’s 87.
Level 39: Tap the words “blue” and “red” and the green circle.
Level 40: Put the word “35$” in the question into the piggy bank.
Level 41: There are 3 – the girl, her mother, and the grandma. The granddaughter is the mother’s daughter. The mother is also a daughter, and the grandmother is also a mother.

Level 42: 24 paws. There’s a hidden dog, plus the yeti counts for four paws.
Level 43: The left hand can’t be taken. Tap “left hand” in the question.
Level 44: Tear the tag in half with two fingers, then use two 10$ coins and three 1$ coins
Level 45: Tap the envelope to shut it, then take the “e” from “e-mail” and put it to the left of the envelope.

Level 46: Tap all 8 matches that connect the small inner square and the large outer one.
Level 47: 86, 66, 8, 34, 36, 68, 19 is the sequence.
Level 48: Tap the red button 30 times. Count by fives because the counter will disappear. Watch for the button to move. Don’t tap continue.
Level 49: Put a finger on the left turtle to hold it still, then shake your phone to wake up the right turtle.
Level 50: Plug your phone into a charger to turn the lamp on.

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