Tricky Test: Get Smart – Answers for All Levels, Stages and Questions, Page 4

Level 76: add the left, top, and top-left numbers to get X, which is 13.
Level 77: flip your phone over and shake it vigorously until two bats fall. The one that doesn’t fall is real.

Level 78: there are many possible answers. One of them is 319+248=567.
Level 79: there are 20 halves plus your count of whole hearts for lives. Total is 15.

Level 80: tap the green button, then when it breaks pull the two broken halves apart until it breaks and the purple button shows up. Then tap purple until you hit 10.
Level 81: put the ball on top of the cone to make ice cream.

Level 82: rub the lit tip of the cigarette with your finger until it goes out.
Level 83: six holes in the t-shirt.

Level 84: chicken comes first because it’s the first word.
Level 85: 5=1 because in the given pattern 1=5

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