Level 86: tap the pyramid with the green and blue sticks that form an “N” from above.
Level 87: All sheep except nine ran away, so now there are 9 sheep left.
Level 88: to help the girl, move the women’s toilet sign over to the men’s toilet.
Level 89: take the elephant off of the scale to balance the scales out.
Level 90: to figure out who had a birthday tomorrow, change your phone’s date for tomorrow and then tap the guy with the birthday hat.
Level 91: the pirate lost his book. Move the question mark from the question to his hand and it will become the hook.
Level 92: Add -60+70-80+90 together and it makes 20 dollars of profit for the farmer.
Level 93: to stop the fighting guys, drag a heart down from your life meter and drop it in between them to make them like each other.
Level 94: to see the bees, take a screen capture of them and then count the bees in the screen capture.
Level 95: remove six in a hexagon formation and make a Mitsubishi logo.
Level 96: in the previous level there were 18 matches on the screen.
Level 97: ignore the broken clock and simply enter the current time on your phone. Answer in military time (e.g. 19:15 is the same as 7:15 PM)
Level 98: to make a square, pull the right match to the right and a square of open air will appear in the middle of the matches.
Level 99: zoom out on the pic to find the man in the green hat. He’s off the screen.
Level 100: wake the man up by turning the volume up on your phone to make the background music louder.
Level 101: the clock says 12, the square has four corners, and the hand is raising one finger. 12+4-1=15.
Level 102: no tricks here. The second barbell is the one with a different weight than the others.
Level 103: the smallest number is -9. Drag the _ upward on the first blank space to make a negative sign.
Level 104: to help the athlete lift, move the start button to reveal a dumbbell. Drag them over to him so he can lift them, then hit the start button and he will successfully lift the dumbbell.
Level 105: apparently you’re supposed to slide the weight from the left to the right, but the tap and swipe doesn’t work, so just spend 30 score to skip this until the devs fix it.
Level 106: to make a year go by, drag the earth around the sun clockwise.
Level 107: you need three keys to open the door. Tap on a crack in the wall over and over again to break the third key out of it.