Ultimate Tennis – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Beat, and Strategy Guide

Ultimate Tennis is a new tennis RPG for the iOS and Android platforms. You start off as a beginner tennis player, but as you go through quests and tennis matches, you’ll be able to upgrade your character, learn new skills and get new equipment in order to become a superstar tennis player. Read on for some tips and tricks for Ultimate Tennis!

Matches are easy to begin with, but after awhile they will begin to get difficult. You can go back and gain experience and gold coins on old matches so that you can toughen up your characters for this. To expedite this, use the sim tickets that you earn on any match where you have earned either 2 stars or 3 stars. That will cause the match to finish out automatically.

Those coins that you earn can then be used to enhance your equipment. Fill all of your equipment slots first and foremost, using equipment that you earn or purchase, and then enhance it. If your various characters have equipment mismatches, pull the equipment off of your backup characters and equip it on the one who is currently in use. When you switch characters again, switch equipment to the new character.

Crafting outfits doesn’t change the gameplay at all, but it’s fun to dress up your tennis player. You’ll be able to craft outfits by earning various materials. If you don’t know where to find something, tap on the outfit piece that you want to craft, tap the crafting item that you are missing and it will show you the location where you can earn it. You’ll earn rewards as you craft more outfits. If you don’t have all of the craft materials for an outfit, it will cost more gold coins.

Whenever you see a red dot next to your character, that means that you have more skills that you can now train. The skills, which consist of different types of shots, will make it easier to confuse opposing players, and force them to run around more. With computer controlled characters, just changing the type of shot will confuse them. Against real-life players, keep them running around and they’ll give up a lot of points to you.

Go to the options menu to change it to one-handed or two-handed controls depending on your preference. Also, you can play in either landscape or portrait mode by turning your phone one way or the other. Landscape is usually easier because you can see more of the level.