War of Dragons (iOS) – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

War of Dragons is a new game on the Storm8 network by FireMocha. Not to be confused with the browser based MMO of the same name, War of Dragons is instead a cross between a card battling game and a puzzle game, much like Puzzle & Dragons. Your goal is to quest through a nearly endless assortment of stages, power up your team with enhancement, evolution, and brand new cards, as well as to take on special quests that pop up with rare events. Read on for some tips and tricks for War of Dragons!

To do the most damage possible, pick the most powerful ally before every battle. Use them whenever possible. Also, move whatever icon around that you select until you end up being able to knock off multiple combos at a time, since the more combos you unleash, the more bonus damage that you will do against enemies.

Combinations of more than five tiles at a time, as well, will allow that specific color of character to attack every enemy on the screen. If you have an attack like this, but are near the end of the battle, save it for the next battle. Also, try to connect more than five squares together (even if they aren’t in a straight line, you can connect more than 6 of the same tile together) for more damage or more healing.

Try to keep every single color on your team at once so that you can always make attacks. Too many of the same color, and you might end up unable to attack when you run out of a certain color of tile. Also, mainly, you should try to level up your rarest characters because they are the least likely to get replaced anytime soon. However, try to spread the experience around enough so that you have a balanced attack against any enemies.

You can evolve characters, too, once they are at their maximum level. Typically, an evolution will require special characters (characters which are at their max level when they are only at level one). Once you evolve a character, its level will drop back down to one. You’ll only know what level up elements you need after you earn them, and they differ for each character. The rarer a character is, the more level up elements it will require. Some common characters can even evolve multiple times to become fairly rare.