What’s the Movie? (iOS/Android) Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, cheats and strategies

What’s the Movie? Is a new game similar to 4 Pictures 1 Word and What’s That Word? for iOS and Android, except that this one is entirely based off of guessing movies. You get a number of categories that you can guess movies from, starting with the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s, with many more categories available to be unlocked. This game can be a downright stumper at times, so read on for some tips and tricks if you’re having trouble with What’s the Movie!

Usually, all three of the images that appear initially as hints will be relevant to what the actual movie is, but sometimes, you have to completely ignore one of the images, or even two of the images, in order to have an idea as to what the movie is. Sometimes, one of the images will be so unrelated to the actual movie that it can throw you for a loop and cause you to go from knowing the right answer to doubting yourself.

You can get bonuses including spending 10 coins on a fourth image hint, twenty coins to reveal the first letter in the movie’s name, or thirty coins to reveal who one of the lead actors is in the movie. Save your coins, though, and google or think harder and harder if you want to figure out the movie, and maximize your coins, since coins can earn you more sets of movies to guess.

No matter how many times you get a movie wrong, you will still get four coins for getting it right, so guess as many times as you need to in order to get it right.

If you run out of levels to play, or if you get desperately stuck in a level but you don’t want to reset, you can go to the settings of the game and hit the reset option to reset all of the levels back to the first movie. This is also good to do if you need more coins, but you have no more levels with which to earn coins.

User-submitted tips and cheats