Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm – Tips and Tricks Guide: How to grow the best weed, get rich, and become a kingpin!

Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm is a new idle farming type of game for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal in this game is to grow weed, unlock new strains as well as shatter, hash coins, rolling paper machines, edibles and more. You can earn coins, cash, and gems, unlock countless multipliers and other bonuses, and level up each strain to five different levels. Read on for some tips and tricks for Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm!

In order to get new strains of weed or to upgrade your current strains, you need to get jars. The first time that you send weed to the dispensary for cash, you’ll earn a ton of jars; after that, you will earn two or three per time sending it. There is a way to load up on jars that the game doesn’t come right out with, though. Any time that you watch one of tr two multiplier ad videos, you earn one jar. So tap on the stereo for the 20 second bonus over and over again to load up on massive amounts of jars.

If you have the game going in the background for awhile, then any of your weed that has been automated already will continue to earn for you while the game’s not going. It will also do this if the game has been shut off. If it hasn’t been shut off though, then after you collect your coins, shut off the game (using the double-tap app closure method on iOS) and open it back up. About half the time, your offline earnings will come back a second time, allowing you to double dip on your earnings and load up on coins.

Every so often, a quadcopter drone will fly by randomly. If you see one of these, start tapping it as quickly as you can. Each tap will earn you coins, with the total depending on how many weed strains you have unlocked and what your total income intervals are. These can often break through income walls fairly easily when you are saving up for a new upgrade.

When you go through the upgrade menu, tab over from the pot leaf icon to the coin icon or the cash icon to see all of the available upgrades for each type of currency. If you switch over to coins, purchase whatever upgrade costs a multiple of 420 to purchase (such as 42 million) as it is usually a multiplier or a cash percentage booster. Oftentimes these should be purchased far out of order compared to how the game presents them.

Don’t use your gems early on to buy jars or to skip time, because jars and coins can be had for free. Save up your gems in order to purchase the permanent coin multiplier if you do buy anything. This is the most valuable one and it lasts forever, so even though it costs 550 gems it’s worth it.

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