WWE SuperCard – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide, Page 2

As you play more and more exhibition games you’ll increase the rarity bar at the top of the screen. With each added rarity you’ll be able to unlock a new tier, starting from rare, super rare, ultra rare, epic, legendary, and + and ++ versions of all of these cards. The rarer they are, the more powerful they are, so with a team full of legendaries you’ll be almost completely unstoppable.

When looking for easy kills in the exhibition matches, look for players who have fought a small amount of battles. The win/loss record is not important, it’s the number of matches that they’ve played, because more matches means more cards earned, which means more combining cards, training their cards, and more finding uncommon or rare cards.

King of the Ring matches are found based on how powerful your active card deck is. To screw with this system, put five of your weaker or more common cards as your active deck when you enter the battle, and your inactive deck should be your rare and uncommon cards. Then when the battles begin, immediately swap them all out and you’ll annihilate the players you matched up against.

Even if you lose altogether in King of the Ring you’ll still be awarded with one uncommon card. Make it to the finals, the semi finals, or become the champion or make second place, though, and you’ll start earning loads of rare cards. You’ll start earning so many rare cards that you can start using some of them as fodder for training and/or combining to enhance your cards.

Be sure to keep your cards energized, though, or you’ll lose match after match in the King of the Ring mode. Energy cards can be found in the exhibition mode as new cards earned, just the same as new wrestlers or new booster cards are found in the exhibition modes.

Keep at least ten rare cards (two divas and eight superstars) around before you begin using rare cards for training or combining. This is so that you can have five as a main deck in King of the Ring and five as a backup deck. Of course, at this point, all common cards should go to training purposes, which will level up your deck massively.

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