Make smart use of combining your cards. You should only combine cards after you upgrade them sky high, either to the max or to the near max. Not only will they retain their higher-level stats, but they’ll get a higher stat boost from the combining, and no matter what, their level will drop back down to 1, allowing for easy, fast upgrades (meaning easy, fast stat boost) immediately afterwards.
In the exhibition mode, you can unlock rarer cards depending on your card deck tier. Having a rare deck unlocks super rare, having a super rare deck unlocks super rare+, and so on and so forth. All that you have to do to get more rare, super rare, legendary and epic cards is to keep grinding in the exhibition mode and unlocking new tiers.
Credits can’t currently be acquired for free in WWE SuperCard – unfortunately they can only be purchased. If you are a credit buyer, wait until you just barely unlock a new tier in exhibitions, then use the regular pick for 50 credits apiece, which gives you a rarity about equal to your current one. This will let you fill out your King of the Ring deck very quickly and save a ton of credits.
Keep an eye out for the uncommon, rare, super rare, epic and legendary booster cards, too, as these will have a HUGE effect during an exhibition match. Often, they will boost more than one stat, or drop more than one enemy stat, and depending on the rarity, they may do this to every single stat.
Always let out your rarest card during the first match (or your most powerful card). The matches are computer controlled, and the computer will always try to send out the top card that your opponent has, and if you don’t counter them with your top fighter, you may end up with an easy loss in that round.
The only way to get more energy for your cards is simply to keep unlocking energy cards in the exhibition mode – in other words, it takes a long time. Wait to play the King of the Ring mode until your energy is the full 5 bolts, so that you can recover your cards as soon as they ware out and always throw out your best deck.